b'City of Dover Tuscarawas County, Ohio Notes to the Basic Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31, 2019 Life InsuranceTheCityprovideslifeinsuranceandaccidentaldeathanddismembermentinsurancetoitsemployees through Standard Insurance. Note 18Fund BalancesFundbalanceisclassifiedasnonspendable,restricted,committed,assignedand/orunassignedbased primarilyontheextenttowhichtheCityisboundtoobserveconstraintsimposedupontheuseofthe resources in the government funds.The constraints placed on fund balance for the major governmental funds and all other governmental funds are presented as follows:OtherMaster GovernmentalFund Balances General Capital Funds TotalNonspendable:Inventory $23,148 $0 $153,710 $176,858Prepaids 149,292 0 32,980 182,272Unclaimed Monies 17,037 0 0 17,037Cemetery Endowment 0 0 773,950 773,950Total Nonspendable 189,477 0 960,640 1,150,117Restricted for:Cemetery 0 0 77,964 77,964Street Maintenance and Repair 0 0 345,983 345,983Revolving Loan Program0 0 449,497 449,497Law Enforcement and Education 0 0 45,413 45,413Capital Projects 0 0 23,581 23,581Total Restricted 0 0 942,438 942,438Committed to:Ambulance 0 0 125,824 125,824Shade Tree 0 0 2,737 2,737Capital Improvements 0 1,336,176 0 1,336,176Total Committed 0 1,336,176 128,561 1,464,737Assigned to:Law Enforcement 9,625 0 0 9,625Police and Fire Uniforms and Equipment 29,116 0 0 29,116Purchases on Order for:General Government 4,640 0 0 4,640Security of Persons and Property 4,019 0 0 4,019Community Environment 78 0 0 78Leisure Time Activities 639 0 0 6392020 Operations 1,683,339 0 0 1,683,339Total Assigned 1,731,456 0 0 1,731,456Unassigned (Deficit)1,194,045 0 (29,787) 1,164,258Total Fund Balances $3,114,978 $1,336,176 $2,001,852 $6,453,006- 75 75 -'