b"Operating under the Mayor/Council form of government, the citizens of Dover elect a mayor, auditor, law director,treasurerandeightmembersofthecouncil,includingthepresident,threeat-largecouncil members and four ward council members. A safety director, service director, auditor, treasurer, and law director are responsible for various departments of City business.For financial reporting purposes, the CityhasconsideredalldepartmentsandorganizationsmakinguptheCityofDover(theprimary government).The City of Dover, as a governmental entity, is totally separate and distinct from the Dover City School District.Although the two entities share similar names, they are independent of each other in terms of governing bodies, financial resources and management.Because of the separate and independent nature oftheschooldistrict,theschooldistrict'sfinancialstatementsarenotincludedinthisreport.The Community Improvement Corporation of Tuscarawas County, the Tuscarawas County Regional Planning Commission,andtheOhioMid-EasternGovernmentsAssociationarereportedasjointlygoverned organizations.The City is also associated with one joint venture, the Ohio Municipal Electric Generation Agency (JV2).The City provides the full range of municipal services.These services include police, fire, public health services,recreationprograms(includingparks),transportationprograms(includingstreets),water treatment and distribution, water back flow prevention and cross connection control programs, electric and electricpollutiondischargeeliminationandPCBeliminationprograms,sewerandsewerindustrial pretreatment programs, planning and zoning and general administrative services.The City adopts a temporary appropriation budget on or before January 1 of each year for the period January 1 through March 31.An annual appropriation budget is passed by April 1 of each year for the period January 1 through December 31.All disbursements and transfers of cash between funds require appropriationauthority.Budgetarycontrolismaintainedattheobjectlevelbytheencumbranceof estimated purchase amounts coupled with the manual auditing of each purchase order prior to its release to a vendor or prior to payment to ensure that financial information generated is both accurate and reliable.Those purchase orders which exceed the available appropriation are returned to the department head.Local Economy DoverislocatedinnortheasternOhio,southofClevelandandCantoninTuscarawasCountyandis accessible from I-77. Dover covers an area of 5.76 square miles.This popular and expanding residential community is noted for its older elegant homes built on quiet tree-lined streets and newly developed areas. Dover is a desirable city to live in Tuscarawas County, as property values have outpaced inflation.The underlying strength of Dover's growing economy comes from its diversity.Dover does not depend on one firmforlocalemployment;eight ofourtenprincipalemployerseachhadmorethan200employees, lending to the City's diversification. Six banks (Huntington National, Chase, First National Bank of Dennison, Unified, First Federal Bank, and Dover-Phila Federal Credit Union) are located in the City.Residents of Dover receive information through various media.The New Philadelphia Times-Reporter, a dailymorningnewspaper,servestheCity.Inaddition,theCityiswithinthebroadcastareaoffive television stations, and Spectrum Cable Company provides digital cable TV services.Three AM and two FM radio stations are located in the County.Post-Secondary schooling is available through two-year and four-year colleges and universities, including the Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus. Cleveland Clinic Union Hospital is a great asset to the City of Dover.The hospital was founded more than a century ago on the premise that their focus must be on quality healthcare for all patients, not the financial profits of a few investors. - vi -"