Leaf Collection


2024 Fall Leaf Collection

(see map at bottom of page for collection zones)

This webpage provides City of Dover residents with general information on our leaf collection program and a method to track the progress of the leaf collection crews through the season. 

Please click the attached link for answers to frequently asked questions.

Fall Leaf Collection FAQ

Tracking Leaf Collection crew progress:

- Fall leaf collection begins towards the end of October each year -  the exact starting date will vary with conditions and resource availability.

- Leaf collection is organized around seven collection zones, which are numbered for identification and to indicate the general routing of the leaf crew through the city (see map below).

- Leaf collection will typically start in Zone 1 and progress sequentially through the zones across the city before starting the process over with Zone 1.

- The leaf crew will make at least two passes through each collection zone, each season.

- Exceptions/interruptions to the sequence will be made for zones with special events, such as football games or parades.

- The rate of progress depends on the volume of leaves, crew/equipment availability and weather.

* Note - Leaves should be placed at the street on the front-side of the property. Alleys are a low-priority collection point throughout the city and may require call-in notification for collection.


Due to the variables affecting leaf-collection operations, it is difficult to accurately predict the exact day a leaf crew will be active on your street. However, to assist citizens in planning Fall clean-up activities, the City of Dover provides information to help track leaf crew progress and estimate their arrival in neighborhoods:

Things to know: (see map below)

- your leaf collection zone

- the active zone

- the scheduled sequence for collection (simply follow the numbers sequentially 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.)

2024 Fall Leaf Collection is in Zone 1 beginning 12/19/2024