Compare Rates

Residential Rates

Monthly Rate

Customer Charge:$7.41

Energy Charges:
First 800 kWhr, per kWh$0.13493
Next 700 kWhr, per kWh$0.12875
All remaining kWhr, per kWh$0.12055

Minimum Charge:
The minimum monthly charge shall be the Customer Charge

General Service Rates (Commercial)

Monthly Rate

Customer Charge:$7.04

Energy Charges:
First 50 kWhr per kW of demand, per kWh$0.17276

Next 150 kWhr per kW of demand, per kWh:
First 3000 kWhr per kWh$0.15032
Over 3000 kWhr per kWh$0.12645
All remaining kWhr per kWh$0.11148

Minimum Billing:
The minimum monthly charge shall be the customer charge.

Primary Metering:
When the metering occurs at the primary voltage of the line serving the customer, the kWhr as metered shall be
multiplied by 0.95.

Primary Service:
When the customer maintains the necessary equipment, a credit of 0.220 per kW of demand will be applied to the monthly bill.

Determination of Demand:*
The monthly billing demand shall be the greater of:
  • The highest recorded demand during the billing month.
  • 60% of the highest billing demand for the past six months.
  • 5kW.

*Applicable to all commercial and small industrial customers having demands or contracting for demands less than
50 kW for a six (6) month period or longer.

Industrial Rates**

Monthly Charge

Energy Charge:
First 30 kWhr per kVA of demand, per kWh$0.19258

Next 170 kWhr per kVA of demand:
First 2000 kWhr, per kWh$0.14509
Next 8000 kWhr, per kWh$0.13096
Next 90,000 kWhr, per kWh$0.11769
All over 100,000 kWhr, per kWh$0.10860

For kWhr in excess of 200 times kVA:
First 200,000 kWhr, per kWh$0.09773
All remaining kWhr, per kWh$0.09139

Minimum Charge:
The minimum monthly shall be $2.75 per kVA of demand.

Primary Metering:
When the metering occurs at the primary voltage of the line serving the customer, the kWhr as metered shall be
multiplied by 0.95.

Primary Service:
When the customer maintains necessary equipment, a credit as follows shall be applied:
2,300-12,000 delivery voltage$0.220 per kVA
23,000 and over$0.360 per kVA

Determination of Demand:*
The monthly billing demand shall be the greater of:
  • The highest recorded demand during the billing month.
  • 60% of the highest billing demand for the past six months.
  • 50 kVA

Power Factor Adjustment:
For any month when the average lagging power factor is less than eighty five percent (85%), the utility shall make an additional charge of one percent (1%) of the total billing amount for each five percent (5%) between the average lagging power factor and eighty-five percent (85%).

** Applicable to all commercial and industrial customers having demands or contracting for demands in excess of
50 kW for a six (6) month period or longer.

Private Outdoor Lighting

175 watt mercury vapor$9.28
250 watt mercury vapor$11.89
400 watt mercury vapor$16.09
100 watt high pressure sodium vapor$11.40
250 watt high pressure sodium vapor$18.89
250 watt high pressure sodium vapor flood$24.53
400 watt metal halide flood$24.26

The minimum term for the private outdoor lighting ("Security Lights") service rate is one (1) year.

** Being eliminated from service, not available for new installation


A penalty of five percent (5%) shall be assessed all residential, commercial and industrial customers who fail to pay their electric bills on or before the fifteenth day after said bill is issued by the utility billing office.

Power Cost Adjustment

(Formerly the Fuel Adjustment Clause)

A Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) factor will be included in each bill for service rendered. The adjustment shall be the product of the total kilowatt-hours times the PCA. The PCA will be adjusted as determined by the Utility Office based on increases/decreases in purchased power cost, fuel cost, ash disposal fees, environmental fees and other fuel related costs. The PCA is in units of $/KWH and is applied to those KWH sales that are subject to the PCA.

The formula used to calculate PCA is as follows:



PRC = Power related costs including purchased power, fuel, ash disposal, environmental costs and fuel related costs.
BASE = Base of power related cost included in the existing rates. This value is 0.06893 $/KWH
KWHSOLD = Retail sales of electricity (KWH), includes all rate classes except it does not include sales to City owned facilities.
KWHPCA = Retail sales of electricity (KWH) subject to PCA Adjustment.

Amended by Ordinance Number 34-14 
Effective First billing cycle of August 2014